The Saarenoja dwelling site is situated on the shore of an ancient fjord. The dwelling site looks like this now, but during the Stone Age it may just have looked like this. Pictures, South Karelian Museum / Seppo Pelkonen and Pekka Haapaniemi.
Artefacts found at the Saarenoja dwelling site in Joutseno: a stone knife of pink quartz and a mica slate chisel. The stone blades were probably attached to handles of wood or bone, but these did not survive in Finland's acidic soil. Picture, South Karelian Museum.
Suomusjärvi culture (8300-5000 B.C.)
After the arrival of the first inhabitants, the population gradually increased. This period is called the Suomusjärvi culture (8300-5000 B.C.) after a significant findings area. About twenty dwelling sites from this period have been found in South Karelia, of which only a few have been studied with archaeological excavations. Nevertheless, the few objects and movable artefacts found at the dwelling sites, such as stone spearheads shaped like willow leaves, axes, and chisels tell of the everyday occupations of a hunting and fishing people.